I was going to title this post “Number Two” but that phrase has already caused some confusion in conversation today, so I figured I’d attempt to avoid leading you to believe I’d dedicated an entire post to poop. (Although that’s something I’m entirely capable of.)
Yep–we’re number two on the waiting list! (If you’re new–I mean the waiting list to be “matched” with a child from Thailand. We get a name, face, file, but still wait 8-10 months to travel to Thailand.) There’s been lots of wonderful, frustrating, confusing, enlightening, and encouraging emails and posts going around our little Thai program world lately. FIVE little Thai bebes were matched with their families last month! I don’t know all of them, but I truly celebrate with and for them. You’ll notice that we did not move up five places on the list! Some of the discussion and emails with our agency was just a continued reminder that the process of matching children with families is not a matter of picking up a child’s file and giving the family sitting at #1 a phone call! For instance, in March at least 2 families further up the list than we were got matched, because they truly were a better fit for those children. The Holt Thailand program seems dedicated to purposefully matching a child with a family that is BEST for the child. This is primarily done on the basis of some priority and medical questionnaires we filled out, as well as the age of the child and the age of any children already living in the home. Through our correspondence, I can hear the heart of our case worker and know that she truly empathizes with the waiting families and tries to find a balance between hope and reality. We waiting families are not exactly a low-maintenance group. 😉
However, we cling to any tangible evidence of progress towards seeing our kiddo’s face and embrace our spot at #2. There is every likelihood that June will be our month! Also embracing my friendships with other waiting mamas as we encourage each other to live in the moment, trust God’s timing and learn as much as we can to prepare ourselves to be the best mothers to our future babies as possible. I’m almost done with “Toddler Adoption–The Weaver’s Craft” and will have to dedicate an entire post to it. It’s good but tough stuff.
Thanks for sharing in our excitement and prepare yourself for the freak-show that will be ME in late June.