You gotta understand, I have been wanting professional family photos for YEARS. We had some done when Carson was 10 months old. Since then we’ve burdened family members and friends to have mini-shoots, but the lighting was never perfect, and the subjects were far from cooperative. We’ve had a few gems (like the one at the top of this blog, taken by my bro), but as we were sending in family pictures for our adoption paperwork, I realized I had nothing recent that I liked. I’ve seen a few up-and-coming photographers, some friends on Facebook, that do really great work, but a lot of them require you to order all or most of your prints through them. I like to have a digital copy of my very own. (Control freak? Perhaps.)
Then I saw some great family shots of some friends of ours. I went to their photographer’s web site and she was having a special that included 15 jpgs with print permission as part of the package. That was the one! She admitted it was a one-time deal and she would probably never be offering it again. But that’s what I had been waiting for, so we made arrangements.
I was stressed and anxious about the weather, the clothing, the hygeine, the facial expressions, the behavior–I SO wanted them to turn out after all the waiting! Bottom line? I’m a happy girl. This is my Christmas miracle:
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