Two years ago Trent and I were really wanting to start some new family traditions for Chrsitmas. So, we decided to do a Family Christmas Countdown. For 25 days leading up to Christmas, we pull a piece of paper from our advent calendar that says something we are going to do as a family that night. (First of all, what was I thinking startig with 25?! I should have started with TWELVE. That would have been way easier.)
Well, I can’t find my list from last year, and our countdown starts tomorrow. I need a few more ideas. Can you help me? Here’s what I have so far. They are in no particular order.
Read the story of Jesus’ birthday and draw pictures of the Nativity.
Make caramel apple balls for dessert
Make our own Thai dinner (Pad thai and wontons)
Make a special Christmas craft after dinner
Have a fancy dinner tonight, with candles and sparkling cider. Don’t forget to dress up!
Make a gingerbread house
Buy a toy for a boy or girl that might not receive many others (those things on the trees at the mall? Anyone have a good idea of where to find a specific need? Or just donate to the generic community toy drive?)
Family movie night! Don’t forget the popcorn.
Make and hang snowflakes in the house.
Have a family game night
Go see the Christmas lights
Make and decorate sugar cookies!
Paint our handprints on a canvas (we did that 2 years ago and it was fun)
Make special ornaments for the tree!
Wrap gifts for cousins and friends.
Make bracelets or keychains for grandmas out of beads.
We’re having breakfast for dinner! French toast and bacon!
Make a special Christmasy dessert! (This can be repeated, as I have a couple easy ideas.)
Open and wear NEW Christmas PJ’S! (already purchased on sale)
Open and read NEW Christmas books! (already purchased for $1 through scholastic)
Take Christmas goodies to relatives
Drive to the snow and go sledding!
So… throw me any ideas you have! I’m sure we’ll have some details and photos to come. 🙂 I’m thinking Sydney will be more involved this year, which will make it even more fun. Do you have any special holiday traditions?