Month: March 2010

  • Blog readers: one week.

    ***Update: In my next post, I will attempt to articulate how blessed I’ve been by all the support we’ve received this week. Right now we are down to less than 24 hours of this post being up, and I’m still in shameless fundraising mode. We are less than $900 from our goal of $3000! If […]

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  • Cupcakes for Chad

    And also for Mike, Jess, Eric, Jim, Dana and Michelle. Any other Nike employees read my blog? They’re for you too. I wanted Chad to see what they looked like before most of the swooshes broke in half prior to his birthday dinner. šŸ™ Here are some that I made for a baby shower a […]

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  • Strange Milestone

    Strange milestone: awkward conversation with a stranger about adoption. Check. Yesterday we all trucked down to the Oregon State Police building to get fingerprinted for local and state background checks. (Another one for federal FBI coming later.) We sat patiently–as patiently as you can sit with 2 small children–in a small room the size of […]

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  • Monkey & Birdie living together in harmony

    If I’m to believe what I’ve been told, we’ve got another 18 years or so of my kids fighting. Even at this young age, they’ve mastered the art of driving each other nuts (and therefore driving me nuts). I don’t know if it’s universal, but I know it’s the same scenario that played out in […]

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  • We’re in!

    Got an email last night welcoming us to the Thailand adoption program. Our application and our family have officially been accepted and now we’re really on our journey to our little Thai baby. Yeah!

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  • Why does [this] adoption cost so much?!

    As I’ve told the story of our decision to adopt several times in the last month, others seem as shocked as we were at the cost for an international adoption. I cannot speak for anyone else’s experience, but I thought I would give a list and description of fees, as explained to us by our […]

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  • Oh, what a tangled web we weave…

    ….when “we” need to make dinner, so “we” allow “our” son to play with an old ball of yarn that he found from that one month five years ago when “we” thought knitting sounded like fun, and then “our” son unspools the entire 200 yards throughout the house, wrapping it around everything from the bed […]

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  • Baby Love

    We miss our family & friends that live “up north” a ways, and we try to get together with them as often as possible. We have a group of five couples that have had 10 kids in 4.5 years! It’s so fun for all the kids to play together, but it’s also special when we […]

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  • The Adoption Triad

    We have received our preliminary acceptance to our adoption agency, and are waiting only for acceptance into the Thailand program (which is the US staff here in Oregon who know that country’s situation, criteria and policies very well). We’ve received a BIG packet of information to prepare us for our home study, or our family […]

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  • “Gymnastics”

    We’ve had a really fun diversion for the last couple of months. Carson took a class at the community center. We called it “gymnastics” but it was kind of pre-gymnastics. I also call it “get out of the house and let my kid run around for 55 minutes under someone else’s supervision.” The best part […]

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