I have so many stories and pictures from our vacation that the thought of trying to condense it into a blog post makes my brain hurt. So, that will have to wait until another day. Besides, the event of yesterday trump even a great vacay: my new niece, Kaitlyn Ann (my middle name!) Bunch was born yesterday! It was a crazy day for me, and we had just arrived home late the night before, but Trent was kind and watched the kids (who were not allowed in the hospital) so I could go up and see her, meet her, hold her, kiss her. She’s ridiculously adorable, just like her big brother Jack. Those Bunch C-section babies are almost too much perfection to handle. So I will leave you with this picture, as just the thought of it makes me smile even as I’m wading through the to-do list a mile long. (Click to enlarge and see her little face…and I’m just sorry for all of you that you cannot SMELL her! So amazing.)