I don’t know how I missed posting these pics from a few weeks ago. Oh, wait, yes I do. It was the 100 degree week, and this was the first day of that stretch. It was hard to feel motivated to do ANYTHING. If you’ve never stayed in a home without air conditioning on a day that is 107 degrees, well then…I’m glad for you. It was beyond miserable. So, to fight back, we decided to make a break to the Oregon Coast, where you can always count on the weather to be cooler than in the valley. We were not disappointed! I loaded up the van with the kids, Mimi, Aunt Jess and Aunt Tara. After we planned our day-trip, I realized that Mike, Becky & Jack were also at the beach with Becky’s family that whole week. They took time out of their vacation to come spend a few hours on the beach with us, which made the day even more enjoyable! That meant we got to see Nina, Poppie, Eric, Sarah, Ethan and Abby too!
This is one of my favorite pictures because you can tell by their fingers (especially Carson’s) that they are having a really fun time. You can also tell by the dunes and the grass-spotted sand that this is an OREGON beach!The Sydneybird mainly just chilled with the grown-ups and took her turn lounging in the sun. But of course she has Pinky Minky with her. Uncle Eric took a long turn watching Ethan and Carson as they ran away from the waves, time after time after time. Again you can see Mr. Expression with the emphatic hand motions.
Run, run!

For some reason, this one makes me envision these guys when they get older.

Abby was not afraid of the sand at all! She enjoyed being buried and tasting plenty of it!

Auntie Tara getting some sun!

Auntie Jess protected from the sun…except for her legs! She and I both forgot sunscreen on our white legs & got some serious burns.

This is right before Mike & Eric buried the boys up to their chests. You think they look dirty now?! I don’t remember who has that pic? Sarah? Mike?

These beaches are happily strewn with all kinds of drift wood to keep little 3 year olds busy for hours.

Jack also liked the sand.

The cousins played together for a while…

…and Carson showed him that it is more fun to LAY on the ground and cover yourself with sand.

Jack took to this lesson very well.

Syd shared her snack with Jackjack.

Aunt Tara took one of those back-breaking turns with a soon-to-be-but-not-yet walker who wants to move but needs you to hold her little hands.

Fun stuff!