Month: April 2009

  • The Princess has arrived! (by bike trailer)

    Well, my friends told me it would happen. I just didn’t think it would happen so soon. Sydney’s first Disney Princess paraphernalia has been purchased. We’ve been planning a family bike ride for today and after my preaching post about helmets, of course little bird needed to have one. It was hard to find one […]

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  • Carson around the house

    Here’s some more Carsonisms: Carson, from down the hall: “Mom! [mumble, mumble, mumble]”Me: What did you say, buddy?C: What, mom? [he comes into the kitchen where I am]Me: What did you say to me?C: [confused] Huh?Me: You said something to me when you were in your bedroom and I asked what you said.C: What did […]

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  • The apple does not fall far

    I am verbal. I am loquacious. I can say in 3 paragraphs what it takes most people to say in 3 sentences. I can make small talk with a brick wall. It seems my son has inherited this from me. Although he usually clams up in front of others, especially people we don’t see often, […]

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