Here’s some more Carsonisms:
Carson, from down the hall: “Mom! [mumble, mumble, mumble]”
Me: What did you say, buddy?
C: What, mom? [he comes into the kitchen where I am]
Me: What did you say to me?
C: [confused] Huh?
Me: You said something to me when you were in your bedroom and I asked what you said.
C: What did I say?
Me: [amused] I don’t KNOW, honey, that’s why I asked.
C: Tell me what I said!
Me: Babe, I didn’t hear you!
C: Tell me! Tell me what I said! TELL ME!
Me, under my breath: Oh boy.
Carson: Mom, does Mimi live in college or in Wednesday?
Me: Uh…..she lives in Newberg?
C: Oh.
In the car, Sydney squawking away. Radio/CD player broken, so no music playing.
Carson: Mom! It’s too loud. Turn it down.
Me: Turn WHAT down?
Carson: Turn Sydney down!
Here’s some things Mr. Carson has been up to lately. He got a duplo/lego kit for Christmas. He has started requesting to get it out a little bit more. Have I mentioned that I LOVE legos? I think they are a brilliant toy for children. I can’t wait until Carson can play with more. I have memories of studying those lego-building-instructions so carefully, to make my creation just exactly like the one on the picture. This one is pretty basic (the biggest part of the “cave” is one big piece), but we follow the instructions, put it together and then he plays with the little cavemen and the dinosaurs. Yeah!