If you follow this blog you know I’m a little obsessed with getting pictures of my kids, particularly on special occasions. Well, Easter is coming up, and it is such a wonderful day, but usually quite busy. We don’t even get to go to church together, b/c I’m always singing and have to go early. So, I decided that instead of risking a rainy day, cranky kids, chocolate stains and missed photo ops, I would dress them up and snap away a few weeks early. I realize this ruins any post-Easter post, but I don’t think you really care. Since it will be Sydney’s first Easter, it was important to me. In fact, I started with just her b/c Carson wouldn’t get dressed up. Then he wanted to sit on the blanket with her in his t-shirt and sweats, and I said NO. He could only sit with her if he got dressed up. As you can see…I won!
Although I’m obsessed with getting a “good” picture, I’ve long ago given up the hope of having both kids looking at the camera and smiling. So now I have learned to settle for a succession of real-life candids that make me smile just as much.