Today Sydney’s nap schedule was a little off from Carson’s, so she woke up way before he did. I really needed to finish working on dinner for this evening, so I set her in the high chair and handed over…her very first graham cracker. Aaah! She loved it, and I loved that it kept her happy. I think every mom of young kiddos can understand the need to throw food at your kid to keep ’em busy so you can get something done. I know we all try not to make it a habit, but if you don’t use this technique occasionally…you should stop reading this blog. I don’t think we can be friends. Graham crackers are my FRIEND!

As you can see, graham crackers are also Sydney’s friend.
And I had to dig out this comparison pic of Carson eating when he was a couple months older than Syd is now. (Sidebar…we registered for our baby gear in such a hurry…I didn’t want to seem greedy, so we chose a middle-of-the-line priced high chair. Not realizing I would come to detest the pattern that is now in SO many pictures. I know. It’s trivial. But I had to share.)

As you can see, graham crackers are also Sydney’s friend.