We’ve had a busy weekend, probably like the rest of you! We had a fab Thanksgiving with Trent’s side of the family. We snuck outside for a quick family photo op.
Auntie Tara lovin’ on Sydney. We had a great adult: child ratio. It was about 20:2.
My girl! No smiles this time.

Couldn’t get Syd to look at the camera, but this is one of my favorite family shots with the 4 of us so far.
Uncle Chad has decided that Sydney is no longer “too fragile” so he will hold her now.
Nice bum, Babe! Choppin’ down our tree, which we are really happy with. They even shake all the needles off and bale it for free! (Or is it bail?)
Love havin’ brothers who work for Nike!

Here’s the fam after the hunt and the chops.
Oh my goodness, this was early this morning, and I was DYING. Carson was wanting to help in the garage, so he put his flip-flops on with no pants. It was a hilarious sight to behold. What I especially loved was that he had no idea that is was a fashion crime in any way. He was crouching and climbing and standing back admiring the tree with hands on his hips…confident as the day is long. Love it!
We did have a chance to have dinner with my family on Saturday night, but I was tuckered out and forgot to grab my camera. We also saw Sarah and Tommy K. and some of their family at Tilikum, which was really fun and way too short. This will have to hold you over until I tell you about our Tompkins Family Christmas Countdown!

The grown-up kids enjoyed playing Rock Band on the Wii, but Carson loves playing the “driving game” (aka: Mariokart).

Then on Saturday, we had more bonding with the Tompkins as we trudged out to get get Christmas trees from great lot in Gervais.
Here’s my boys! (This is Carson’s response to “Donchoo smile! Don’t do it! Don’t smile!)

Couldn’t get Syd to look at the camera, but this is one of my favorite family shots with the 4 of us so far.

Uncle Chad has decided that Sydney is no longer “too fragile” so he will hold her now.

Nice bum, Babe! Choppin’ down our tree, which we are really happy with. They even shake all the needles off and bale it for free! (Or is it bail?)

Love havin’ brothers who work for Nike!

Here’s the fam after the hunt and the chops.

Oh my goodness, this was early this morning, and I was DYING. Carson was wanting to help in the garage, so he put his flip-flops on with no pants. It was a hilarious sight to behold. What I especially loved was that he had no idea that is was a fashion crime in any way. He was crouching and climbing and standing back admiring the tree with hands on his hips…confident as the day is long. Love it!