First, I will add a few photos of our fun Halloween night to those posted by Steph and Becky. We’ve kind of started a tradition of going to the BCC harvest party with our gang. Check here and here to see the previous years costumes. This year we added pizza–I’m a fan–and more children. We have our EIGHT kids from the five families, and this was the first time we attempted to get them all on one couch for one photo. It was a hoot!
Someday I think it would be fun to have costumes that go together, but when you get cheap and borrowed costumes, well, then you get a Dragon and PeaPod.

You can barely see Carson because Sydney’s costume is so gigantic! We let go of hoping for all smiles a long time ago. No crying is a miracle in itself. Triva fact: our kids are the bookends in age–Carson is the oldest and Syd is the youngest.
Here’s all the boys! Carson is so entertaining. Jack and Ethan can’t help looking at him.

You can barely see Carson because Sydney’s costume is so gigantic! We let go of hoping for all smiles a long time ago. No crying is a miracle in itself. Triva fact: our kids are the bookends in age–Carson is the oldest and Syd is the youngest.

Here’s all the boys! Carson is so entertaining. Jack and Ethan can’t help looking at him.
Onto a totally different topic, I’ve been blessed to be able to really slowly ease back into subbing. I’ve had only a few jobs, so I have more laid-back mornings with the kids. We kind of have a little routine that includes the hanging out in my room while I get ready. Also, you will notice that Carson is usually the last to get dressed. We put his big boy unders on first thing, and the pants are kind of optional at that point.
The other day I decided to see if Sydney was strong enough to sit in the Bumbo, a new addition in baby gear since C-dog was little. She did pretty well and seemed to like looking around. Big bro thought it was cool too, and he VOLUNTARILY went to grab a book and started reading to her. It was a happy moment for me!