As of 1:48 this afternoon, I am DONE with my class! Yeah! Oh, man, it feels good. Three rough weeks, but I will say it was probably the quickest and cheapest way for me to take care of that so that I can renew my license. The final paper turned out to be 13 pages, and if you ever want to know my views and research on Preventing Behavior Disruptions Through Classroom Instruction and Physical Environment….well, I’ll email it to you, because I don’t feel like discussing it any time soon.
We had a lovely Easter, although I got such a bad head/chest cold that I completely lost my voice and couldn’t sing with the worship choir. I hacked my way through the services in my chair with the fam. The Tompkins’ took us out to a fantastic Easter brunch, after which Carson and I had an equally fantastic 2-hour nap. I decided against purchasing an expensive, brightly colored maternity dress that would surely be sleeveless and need bare legs and sandals, since it was pouring down rain yesterday. I just wore this bright t-shirt, which, now that I’m seeing the picture, seems to have partnered with my undergarments to kind of turn my entire frontside into a massive lump from neckline to thigh, but whatever. I wasn’t cold and didn’t have to buy a new dress.
Here you go: 25 weeks. Same pants as last pic.
In other exciting news, we decided a little while ago to pinch our pennies and make a last-minute trip to California. We have talked for a while about trying to do something big before the baby came, kind of a last hurrah for Carson as King of the Castle, but several pieces fell together to make this the weekend. We are fortunate enough to have some of our best friends and some family who live in Southern Cal, so when we vacation down there, it is fairly cost-efficient, since we don’t have to pay for any lodging. Also, we have a wonderful friend who hooked us up with FREE Disneyland tickets for 2 days. Also, we had enough miles to pay for my flight. SO, we’re going to be down there about a week, hopping from house to house, trying to visit everyone. I am REALLY excited to take Carson to Disneyland. I know that you have to keep your expectations low with a 2 year old, but it’s too late. I’m expecting him to love every minute and not have a single meltdown. It is the happiest place on earth, after all. 😉
Stay tuned for my reality check post next week on how it all actually went down.