OK, after a few other posts, I’m back to the bread and butter of this blog: pics of my kiddo. There is a neat place in town that is basically a big indoor playground. It has a bounce house, big sandbox, lots of riding toys, dress-up clothes, a play structure and more. You have to pay an annual fee, but it we got a deal when they first opened, and it was really reasonable, considering the park is open 7 days a week from 9 to 5. It is GREAT for Oregon winters, and my mom has gotten into the routine of taking Carson there when she watches him for me when I work. They both love it! Here are some pictures of their last adventure at the play park.
When they get there early enough, Carson is one of the only kids, so he gets the bounce house to himself!
Did I mention tons of toys?

My mom said Carson and this little girl both got doll babies and brought them into the play school (which is right next to a play house) and wrapped the dolls up in blankets and were kind of talking to each other. When she went to leave, Carson said “Ok! See you!” and leaned out the window for a kiss! She was not impressed and he didn’t seem too bothered by her rejection.